Game Mode

Summoner's Rift


Summoner's Rift is located in a remote forest between Freljord, and the Ironspike Mountains. The Summoner’s Rift is one of a few locations in Valoran where magical energy is at its greatest concentration, making it a highly sought-after locale to pursue magical endeavors.

Historically, the forest where the Rift resides was the site of several battles between two summoner factions symbolized with the Stag and Owl crests, they sought out to use the natural magical energy of the area for their personal use.

The large amount of concentrated magic has mutated the local wildlife. From giant frogs, Crimson giant birds to Greater Murk two headed wolves it has also attracted the attention of a powerful Dragon who currently resides in one of the battle torn ruins. Blue Sentinels, Red Bramblebacks and Ancient Krugs are creatures made from local flora and earth infused to construct a magical being. The Rifts unstable magic has inadvertently cause the reemergence of Baron Nashor, a large Serpent/Worm largely believed to be dead for centuries. It has his corruption affecting the land around him.

Game Play

The objective of Summoner's Rift is simple – destroy the enemy nexus. In order to do this, champions must traverse down one of three different paths (or lanes) in order to attack their enemy at their weakest points they can exploit. Both teams have their lanes defended by numerous turrets; each turret grows in strength the closer it gets to its respective nexus and each turret must be eliminated in order to gain access to the next turret in that lane. Cooperating with fellow summoners is an absolute requirement for success, as it is easy for a champion to find themselves ambushed by enemies in the lanes of the Rift.

Defend and Destroy

The gold standard for competitive League of Legends. Action on Summoner's Rift often progresses in unique phases, beginning with small-scale duels between lane opponents before culminating in epic, large-scale team fights. Push your way into the opposing base, destroy the enemy nexus, and achieve victory!

The battle for the rift

The largest map in League of Legends, Summoner's Rift is mirrored diagonally and features three lanes into the enemy base. Each lane is defended by three turrets and an inhibitor, while the nexus is protected by a pair of turrets. Both sides of the map boast expansive jungles containing powerful buffs, and the central river is home to two boss monsters and a scuttle crab that provide team-wide benefits.